The Complete Ultimate Baby Registry Guide (2022) [Budget-Friendly]
Today, I’m sharing with you a complete guide of Ultimate baby registry!
I’m walking you step-by-step through everything you need to know about registering on Amazon, as well as the entire registry checklist.
After finding out you’re pregnant and figuring out how to make the grand announcement, one of the most exciting parts is setting up your dream baby registry.
But if you’re a first time mom, you probably don’t know exactly what you need vs. what you don’t.
Which items are absolute must-haves, which can you do without, and which are just a waste of money?
This is the wish list I would put together if I could do my first registry all over again… knowing what I know now.
Heads up! This post is pretty big, so if you don’t have time to go through the whole thing right now, just bookmark it on your browser for later!
Understanding the Ultimate Baby Registry
If you haven’t started an Amazon Baby Registry yet, you can do right now!
Perks of the Ultimate Amazon Baby Registry
At 60 days prior to your registered due date, you’re eligible for what’s called a “completion discount.”
As a Prime member, you receive 15% off any of the remaining items on your registry (10% if you’re not a member)
Diaper funds and Group gifting
If you choose, you can set up group gifting.
You can either enable people to contribute to a big ole Amazon gift card (in essence), OR
You can specify items that people can chip in on, such as a stroller, car seat, or crib.
Here’s how to set up group gifting on your Ultimate Baby Registry…
Step 1: Scroll down to view the items on your registry.
Step 2: Find the item you want to set up with group gifting and click edit.
Step 3: Check the box to enable group gifting and don’t forget to save changes.
The result should look like this:
You can also set up a diaper fund, which is basically the same thing. When you redeem your diaper fund, it gets added to your online Amazon gift card balance.
Welcome box
Amazon offers a welcome box for new parents who meet the following:
- Be a prime member
- Make a $10 purchase (not including tax/shipping)
- Complete the ultimate baby registry checklist
The welcome box contents change over time, but will includes a mix of samples and full sized products of things like:
- swaddles
- onesies
- thank you cards
- diapers
- pacifiers
- bottles
- ointments
- wipes
- breast pads
When you sign up, you can see what’s being offered for your box.
Psst– Did you know you can try Prime free for 30 days?
Diaper discount
If you have $500 worth of purchases made from your ultimate baby registry, you’ll get a 20% discount on diapers for your baby’s first year.
This might sound like a lot, but if you register your big ticket items like a rocking chair, a car seat, and a stroller (for example), those three items right there already put you over the requisite amount– even if you’re the one who buys them in the end.
Shareable and searchable
When you create your Ultimate Amazon baby registry, you have the option to make it public (searchable), shared (can only be viewed through your link), or private (visible only to you and co-registrants).
365 Day Returns
This is a perk I didn’t know about my first time around.
According to Amazon’s website, anything purchased through your registry is eligible for return for 365 days following the receipt date.
All you have to do is pull up the item in your registry and click “return item.”
You don’t even have to have the purchaser’s order number or receipt.
Getting started on your registry
When you set up your registry, Amazon offers you a very convenient checklist to help get you started and keep you on track.
This checklist is helpful, but there are a couple of things you want to keep in mind:
Thing #1
The recommended items it suggests under each category are limited.
You can find much better and more varied options by searching the category or item in the search bar at the top of the page, or scrolling to the bottom and clicking, “Browse all.”
Thing #2
You won’t NEED everything on the checklist.
I know, shopping for a new baby is insanely fun, especially when you’re shopping with other people’s money, but babies honestly don’t need much.
To get the most benefit out of your registry, you’ll want to focus on the items you need the most.
If you have too much extra stuff on your list, you risk being gifted a lot of unnecessary things, and then having to purchase the things you really needed yourself.
Thing #3
Just because an item shows up as recommended for your registry on the checklist doesn’t make it an amazing product.
Do your research and be very selective about the items you choose.
Make sure you read the product reviews!
Ideas and Inspiration
On your baby registry menu is an item “Shop Lists and Recommendations.”
This section is chock full of curated product lists that can help you focus in on specific items and brands if the broad search results start to feel overwhelming.
Again, just make sure you’re reading reviews and doing your own research.
Ready to set up your Amazon Baby Registry?
Ultimate Baby Registry Categories
Once you’ve got your registry created, it’s time for the fun part!
I’m going to walk you through each of the checklist categories and tell you:
- What items I own and LOVE
- Which items I wish I’d gotten
- My tips for choosing products
- Which items failed to impress
- What things are nice to have
- And the things you can do without.
Obviously, these are all based on my own experiences and opinions.
In addition, many of my choices stem from our approach to parenting.
Just to give you some background, so that you know where I’m coming from:
We follow a responsive parenting philosophy, and so we are a baby-wearing, on-demand nursing, co-sleeping family.
If your goals/values/philosophies differ, then your registry choices could look very different from mine, and that’s okay!
My intent is not to tell you what you should or shouldn’t buy, only to help cut through some of the ultimate baby registry overwhelm by pointing you toward my favorite products and letting you know what I didn’t get much value from.
Out and about
Car seats
If you’re going to put money into anything, then the car seat is the place to do so.
When I chose my baby’s first car seat, I prioritized cost over safety (and comfort), and it was a big mistake.
Not only did I end up buying a different car seat anyway, I had my baby in an uncomfortable seat for six months that might not have protected my precious cargo in a serious accident.
For more on choosing the BEST car seat for your baby (and your budget), I wrote an ULTIMATE guide on car seats.
All of that being said, when I wised up, I did a ton of research and landed on the Graco 4Ever All In One Convertible Car Seat.
Not only did I feel it was the safest, it’s also the ONLY car seat my child will ever need.
You can use it from newborn to 10 years old, and it’s even approved for use with preemies down to 5 dolars!
One drawback to keep in mind is that this seat stays fixed in your car; it is NOT a carrier, and can’t be used with a stroller.
The next time around, I actually plan on purchasing a carrier seat first, and then switching to the Graco 4Ever a little later on. (I want lots of kids, so I know the carrier seat will get used again).
I did a lot of research on carrier seats as well, and this is the one I plan on purchasing.
Keep in mind that if you do opt for the convenience of a carrier seat, you will have to upgrade to another seat later.
Here are my top two stroller tips for you:
Tip #1: Get the best you can afford. Not saying you have to go ALL OUT and get a $900 luxury travel system, but do your research and pick a really good one. Our stroller has gotten a TON of use, and it’s honestly kind of a pain in the butt.
Tip #2: If you think there’s even a remote chance you’ll have more than one kid, just go ahead and get a double stroller. Otherwise, you’re going to have to buy another one anyway. I SO wish I’d picked out a nice, double stroller from the get go.
While I can’t recommend a double stroller that I’ve used personally, I have my eye on one like THIS.
The cool part is it starts as a single stroller and converts into a double, so you don’t have to look like a goofball pushing around a double stroller with only your first baby.
If you think you’re going to do a lot of baby wearing, then I have four carriers to recommend to you.
If you’re not planning on baby wearing a lot at home, or you’re just not sure, then start with my first recommendation and expand from there later.
Structured carrier: great for walking outdoors, or hiking, but also can be used indoors for hands-free housework and dancing a fussy baby to sleep.
Wrap: Better for light activity like wearing baby around the house or grocery shopping.
Ring sling: My favorite option for nursing on the go (which includes around my house). My high-need baby went through a phase where she wouldn’t even breastfeed if I wasn’t moving around, and the ring sling saved my LIFE. A little tricky to get used to though.
Mesh ring sling: Here I appeal to the crunchy-mama deep within you. This sling is designed for wearing your baby at the pool or beach, but it is also PERFECT for baby wearing in the shower. That’s my secret pro-tip for calming a fussy baby. It might sound a little whacky, but it NEVER failed me
Want to know a secret?
You don’t have to buy a crib.
My grandparents gifted us a beautiful crib, and it looked fantastic on the living room wall of our 700 square foot apartment, but we didn’t actually start using it until we converted it into a toddler bed at 12 months.
Whether or not you need a crib will largely depend on your parenting style.
We ended up co-sleeping (even though I hadn’t planned to), and our high-need baby legitimately would NOT sleep in her crib.
I won’t go into all of the details right now, but if you want to learn more about our experience with sleep, check out my post: Sleeping with a High-Need Baby.
So here’s my suggestion: Start with a bassinet in your bedroom, and if you REALLY want a crib, just opt for a simple, inexpensive one and put the big bucks toward the car seat, stroller, or rocking chair.
Something like THIS is good because it converts to a toddler bed, so even if you don’t get much use out of it as a crib, it’s not a waste.
(Another alternative is to go Montessori-style and use a low mattress on the floor. This is an AMAZING way to save money if you’re on a tight budget).
As a new mom, I felt very strongly that co-sleeping was the best thing for our baby and our family; however, the idea made me nervous.
I got a “co-sleeping bassinet,” thinking it would be safer, but man, was it the biggest headache. 10/10 do not recommend.
So here’s my two cents:
- Even if you think you won’t co-sleep, you don’t know how that might change AFTER your baby is born;
- Order a bassinet with Amazon’s 365 day return policy so that you have it on hand, but wait until your baby arrives to set it up.
- If you DO plan to co-sleep, or end up deciding to later, just learn how to safely co-sleep and skip the co-sleeping gadgets that go IN your bed. Either commit to sleeping separately, or sleeping together.
- That said, you could definitely try something like THIS that goes right up next to your bed but gives babies their own space.
If you have a small space and/or tight(er) budget, this option is portable/collapsible and half the price of the other one.
I didn’t think I’d want or need a rocker.
But I am SO glad I got one. I literally LIVED in my nursing chair for the first several weeks.
And it is still fantastic with a toddler.
The one I have is no longer available, but here is a very similar one from the same company. (The only difference is that it swivels, which is nice.)
If budget is a concern, check Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, and other secondhand options.
The crib mattress doesn’t need to be expensive.
Whether you’re using a crib, or doing a Montessori-style floor bed, you want to choose a FIRM mattress for safety reasons.
You’ll also want a waterproof mattress cover, maybe two if you use the crib a lot.
THIS mattress is a good budget option.
Don’t forget fitted crib sheets!
Mom hack: I found that it was easier to lay my baby down on sheets that didn’t become cool to the touch, like flannel. Cooler fabrics made my baby realize that she was being laid down because of the change in temperature.
A note: I know choosing matching crib bedding is great fun, but it isn’t safe to have anything extra in the crib, including blankets and crib bumpers.
Changing Table
This is another thing I’m giving you permission to not buy.
I used a freestanding cabinet as our ‘proper’ changing table (you could also use a dresser or tall table), but honestly, I mostly just used the floor.
Changing tables, in my opinion, are just kind of a gimmick.
You don’t NEED a piece of furniture specifically designed for changing diapers.
Any solid piece of furniture at a good height will do.
Changing pads
A changing pad, on the other hand, is good to have.
You can either put it on a raised surface, or just use it on the floor.
Either way, its a nice cushioned barrier between baby messes and everything else.
You’ll also need changing pad covers, as well as reusable changing pad liners (trust me on the liners; you probably want at least 6.)
If you will be breastfeeding exclusively and not doing a lot of pumping, you won’t need a ton of bottles.
However, it doesn’t hurt to have some on hand for other caretakers (like dad), or in case things don’t go as planned (and there’s no shame in that).
If you don’t think you’ll use them, just don’t open them yet since Amazon has a 365 day return policy for registry items.
If you’re not going to breastfeed, or you’re going to rely heavily on pumping/bottle feeding, you’ll need more bottles.
Babies eat every couple of hours, so you may want a clean bottle for every feeding or two.
Related: What’s the Deal with Nipple Confusion?
You can refrigerate used bottles to keep them longer, but in those early weeks, you are probably not going to feel like standing at the sink washing a bottle every time baby needs a feed.
If you want to go plastic-free, you can try glass bottles like THESE or a more budget friendly option with silicone bottles.
If you’re primarily nursing, you may have a difficult time getting your baby to take a bottle.
You might have to try several different styles, so don’t go all out and buy a ton of one kind before you know if they’ll work.
I am really interested in trying THESE and THESE with my next baby.
If you aren’t going to be physically nursing, then it shouldn’t matter too much what kinds of bottles/nipples you choose. Just look for high reviews.
Also, make sure whatever you get for your newborn is SLOW FLOW!
Not every baby will like every pacifier.
These Avent pacifiers seem super popular, but my baby did not want them. (She did enjoy chewing them during teething, though)
We tried several different styles, but there was only one pacifier my baby took to.
I love that it’s natural rubber, so I don’t have to worry about harmful, cancer-causing chemicals breaking down in her mouth.
They do have a couple of different styles, but this is the one we used.
I will definitely be buying again for my next baby.
Just make sure you use a tether so it doesn’t get lost!
I have an entire post on teethers, so I won’t say too much here.
My personal preference is to stay away from plastic.
These are things that will be breaking down in your baby’s mouth, so you’ll want to opt for wood, silicone, or natural rubber.
You’ll see Sohpie the Giraffe recommended a lot, but if you want something just a little bit cheaper, check out this sweet lamb from CaaOcho.
Also note that a lot of people report receiving knock-offs of Sophie the Giraffe on Amazon, so if you do want that toy, it’s safer to buy somewhere like Target.
Nursing cover
My baby absolutely would not use a nursing cover.
I suggest either waiting to buy, or waiting to open until you see if your baby minds being covered up during feedings.
You can test the waters using a swaddle/receiving blanket.
Because I haven’t used one, I can’t recommend a cover to you from my personal experience.
However, if I was going to get one, I’d look for something with an elastic band around the bottom so that a flailing baby arm can’t throw it off.
Feeding pillow
Some people live and die by their feeding pillows.
Personally, I could do without it.
I just didn’t find that I liked it that much, but it’s very much personal preference.
The Boppy is a ultimate baby registry staple.
If you do use your pillow a lot, you’ll probably want a spare cover so that one is clean if the other is in the laundry.
High chair
You want to look for 5 main things in a high chair:
- Easy to clean: not a lot of grooves and crevices, minimal textiles
- Small footprint: pay attention not only to how big the seat itself is, but also how far the legs spread
- Easy to store: does it come apart and pack up compactly? Fold up?
- Aesthetically nice: if it’s important to you to have a cohesive color scheme in your house, you might not want a garish neon green high chair
- Prevents messes: how well does the tray conform to your baby to keep food from dropping into their lap?
With all of those things in mind, I really like THIS option.
However, it is a tad on the pricey side, so if budget is a concern, I’d honestly just go to an Ikea and pick up this one for $20.
Booster seat
We didn’t upgrade from high chair to booster seat until our daughter was almost 18 months, but you definitely can sooner.
You don’t need something crazy fancy or expensive.
Just something to provide a boost that has a buckle.
Here is a great budget-friendly option.
Bibs/burp cloths
Here are my favorite bibs.
I like that the top half is a textile material instead of the whole thing being silicone because they are easier to roll up and put in a diaper bag.
Also, in my opinion, the cutesy cloth bibs (which you will probably still receive a lot of) were not very useful.
As for burp cloths, you seriously don’t need to buy anything special.
You could just get a cheap pack of hand towels, or use things you already have.
Before adding a pump to your registry, check with your health insurance provider.
Many provide a pump through special vendors at little to no cost for you.
My Spectra 2 was covered 100%.
Something you should consider adding, however, is a a Haakaa. If you’re going to breastfeed, you NEED one.
I honestly used my Haakaa more than my electric pump. They are the BOMB.
This one is the most budget friendly, but I wish I had gotten one that has a suction bottom and cap to prevent spilling.
Hands down, the best diaper I have ever tried is the Huggies Little Snuggler.
We use Hello Bello diapers (from Walmart) for daytime use because they are a healthier option, but we still use Huggies for overnight.
The Little Snugglers are the softest I’ve ever felt, and they wick moisture like no other.
As for cloth diapers, don’t settle for the cheap ones like these.
If you’re gonna cloth diaper, spring for the good ones and take advantage of this opportunity to use a baby registry.
I greatly regret not getting good ones like THESE .
Now let me back up and clarify, I used a prefold diaper system with covers.
You can also do all-in-ones or inserts, but that gets pricey very fast, and you have to wash the whole diaper every time.
With prefolds, you can re-use one cover a few times and just change the cloth diaper itself.
My recommendation is buying prefolds, waterproof covers, and Snappis (no more safety pins like Grandma used).
(My all time favorite diaper covers are no longer available, so I linked to my second favorite, which were still good. Note: The Thirsties covers come in 2 sizes, so you will have to upgrade as your baby grows.)
Diaper creams
My favorite non-toxic products are from Hello Bello (sold at Walmart), but something comparable for your Amazon registry would be the Honest Diaper Rash Cream.
You can find out why non-toxic products are so important to me in my post on Chemicals in Baby Products.
Diaper pail
A diaper pail is not necessary, but it is a really nice extra.
We used the Diaper Genie, and the cool thing is, it holds like a gazillion diapers.
The bags might seem pricey, but that’s because they’re not your standard one-use bags.
One bag is actually a big roll that holds about 270 diapers total. (Obviously, those don’t all fit in your diaper pail at once, but the “bag” tears off and keeps going.)
Hard to explain in a blog post, but just take my word for it; it’s great.
Make sure to look for wipes that are ONLY water.
All of the added crud in wipes is not only absorbed into your baby’s bloodstream, but also can irritate the skin and make diaper rash worse.
Water Wipes are popular, but you should note with the Water Wipes (and other “99% water” wipes), that that 1% fruit extract can still irritate diaper rash/sensitive skin.
If you need to, you can always just use a soft washcloth with water.
Diaper Bags
This is the diaper bag I have.
This is the diaper bag I wish I had picked.
My diaper bag is great, but not as easy to access one handed.
If you want to see everything inside my diaper bag, and how I keep it from being overstuffed, check out my post on diaper bag essentials.
Portable changing mat
A portable changing mat is definitely a must have, but a lot of diaper bags (like the one I recommended in the last section) come with them.
In my humble opinion, you don’t need a fancy one with all of the pockets and stuff.
In fact, I’d imagine that gets in the way more often than not.
You can really easily get away with one as simple (and inexpensive) as this.
If you’re on a tight budget or have really limited storage space, skip the tub.
I got the Blooming Bath Lotus, and while it was nice during bathtime and stored compactly (if you keep the original box), you have to dry it somewhere (which was a big fat pain).
You can save yourself forty bucks and just put a towel in your sink.
Your other option is a bulky plastic tub, and while it will dry faster, you have to store it somewhere.
Soaps and cleansers
Again, I recommend finding a safe, non-toxic company you like for your baby’s personal care items like these.
Johnson & Johnson is one of the most well known, trusted, and popular brands out there, but their products are NOT non-toxic (even though the labels say so).
Actually, they’re under major lawsuits for knowingly having asbestos in their baby powder for years.
From Amazon, I like Shea Moisture, Honest Baby Company, and ThinkBaby.
Pro Tip: For cradle cap, our pediatrician recommended olive oil (even above coconut oil) and it worked great!
You really won’t need bath toys before your baby is sitting up in the bath on his own.
At that point, I suggest avoiding anything made from the typical “rubber ducky” type material because of the harmful chemicals they leech.
I love these natural rubber bath toys. They’re completely sealed so that water can’t get inside and grow mold/mildew.
If you need to shave off a couple of items to save money, you can skip baby bath towels.
They’re not really necessary since you can use normal bath towels, but I will admit, it is nice to have a baby-sized towel with a hood.
You really don’t need more than 2 or 3 towels.
Washcloths, on the other hand, come in super useful for all kinds of things.
I have these cotton muslin ones and they are so nice and soft.
Baby lotion
Again, I recommend finding a natural brand you like.
The Honest Company, Shea Moisture, and ThinkBaby are decent on Amazon.
We use this one from Shea Moisture. My daughter is a toddler now and is always asking for this lotion– she loves it that much. (Just as an FYI, it’s cheaper at Walmart).
Health and safety
Monitors are pretty much a staple of any registry must-have list, but not mine.
Baby monitors can be hacked, and since a lot of people use video monitors nowadays, that’s pretty scary.
My parents had regular ol’ audio-only monitors back when I was a baby and they once picked up a neighbor’s phone conversation.
So I don’t really trust the gadgets.
I’ve never needed a baby monitor since my baby is always with me, and it’s something I probably will never own.
However, if that’s something you want, I recommend reading these articles on baby monitor safety before choosing one:
Yes, Your Video Baby Monitor Can Be Hacked
Baby Monitor Security: How to Hack-Proof Your System
You might be wondering why you’d want or need a baby humidifier.
Obviously, they add moisture to the air which can help loosen mucus in a baby’s respiratory passages.
They come in especially hand with a sick baby, but if you need to save the money, there are other things you can do as well.
When my infant got a bad cough, I sat with her in the bathroom and ran the shower.
Here are some things to keep in mind before purchasing a humidifier.
Electrical safety
While you won’t need them for quite a while, you’ll want a generous set of electrical outlet covers like these.
The easiest way I’ve found to take a wiggly baby’s (or toddler’s) temperature is with a forehead thermometer.
However, Amazon did not have any good options, so for this item only, I’m linking to another site.
This is the thermometer we use, available at Walmart.
Nail clippers
If I’m being honest, I’ve probably clipped my baby’s nails twice in her life…and she’s 18 months at the time I’m writing this.
It’s so unnerving to cut a baby’s nails!
As weird as it might sound, my daughter’s nails have pretty much taken care of themselves, and if a nail does get jagged or sharp, a nail file does the trick.
Even so, you may still want to have a set of clippers on hand.
Baby gates
I really like these extra tall baby gates so that you don’t have to bend down to unlatch them.
The downside is that they’re a little narrow, so it can be tricky to get through if you’re carrying anything (like a child).
Aspirators (snot suckers)

After your birth, the hospital will probably give you the classic bulb aspirator, and if you don’t want to spend more, that’ll do you just fine.
They also often come in baby hygiene kits, so you might even end up with 2 or 3 like I did. (Clean ones also make a great teether because the long spout can easily reach anywhere in the mouth!)
If you want something a little more state of the art, the NoseFrida is very popular and well rated.
I haven’t yet tried it, but a lot of mamas swear by it.
Play and Learn
You can call me paranoid, but I was always very nervous about the idea of putting my baby in anything that plugged into electricity.
Yes, many swings do have a battery option, but it was still unsettling to me.
However, many mamas find immense benefit from using a swing to help soothe their babies and give their arms a break, so if you want a swing, here is a good budget option from Graco!
In our small apartment, we didn’t have space for a gym or playmat.
My baby also hated being laid down anyway, so it wouldn’t have mattered.
Based on other mamas’ experiences though, I’d recommend getting a gym that is detached from the mat underneath.
I have seen others complain that their babies end up rolled up and tangled in the single-construction mats.
I’d love to have something beautiful and simple like this!

Once your baby starts learning to hold objects, a great first toy to introduce is a wooden rattle.
You’ll want things that are simple and easy to manipulate in the beginning.
That wooden toy set would also be perfect!
The truth is, though, that your baby will probably be way more interested in the things around your home than anything you actually buy for her.
I honestly don’t see the point in getting a bouncer AND a swing, but hey, what do I know–we didn’t get either.
Quick tip: Before buying expensive, fancy gadgets like these, try to borrow them from other moms and see if your baby even likes them.
This bouncer from Fisher Price is well rated and has a couple of different bouncing and vibrating settings.
Activity Centers
I personally don’t really like the idea of typical activity centers that light up and make noise, etc.
I prefer open-ended play options that are less stimulating.
So if you’re like me and you want something a little less over-the-top (and less of an eyesore) check out one from Evenflo.
When choosing books for a newborn, look for simple pictures and high-contrast colors.
Here are my top picks:
Charley Harper’s Book of Colors
Hello, Bugs!
Look, Look!
Black and White (great for tummy time!)
Baby Animals
Spots and Dots
Hello Baby: Faces
Here’s THE MOST important thing I can tell you about clothing:
Don’t just put newborn sizes on your registry!
Make sure to include clothing all the way through the first year.
When you’re trying to guess when seasonal pieces will fit, err on the side of larger.
And on the subject of “newborn” size, only get a few necessary basics. Seriously, NB size is only going to fit for a couple of weeks anyway. Don’t waste your money!
Your newborn will probably go through bodysuits about as fast as she goes through diapers.
While I’m exaggerating slightly, it is good to have plenty on hand.
I’d suggest 6-12 in each size range.
Here are plain, organic short sleeve onesies.
Here are plain, organic long sleeve onesies.
It’s also really helpful to have some comfy pants/leggings.
Onesies and pants are pretty much what my baby lived in for the first year.
My baby didn’t like being swaddled, but swaddle blankets like these are still great to have!
Once you figure out if your baby likes being swaddled, you could try out some more user-friendly options like this if you’re struggling with the classic swaddle.
Hats and Mittens
My baby did not keep her mittens on.
She made it her mission from birth to ditch them as fast as possible, and she was good at it.
Mittens also keep your baby from being able to sensorially explore his new world.
Hats on the other hand are really important for keeping a newborn’s heat in, so you’ll definitely want some of those.
Have several on hand because they’re really easy to misplace.
I don’t care how cute it is, if it has snaps, DON’T DO IT.
Zippers are your best friend. Here’s a 4-pack of zip up jammies.
Pro-tip: look for footless jammies so they fit longer. Just put socks on the little feets. (here’s another option).
If you want to use a sleep sack, look for ones that zip from bottom to top for easy diaper changes.
Our favorite option for sleeping was kind of a cross between a sleep sack and a nightgown. You can see what I mean here.
Your top priority with socks is finding ones that actually stay on.
We found that cuffed socks like these worked well.
Other Registry Must-Haves
Boppy Newborn Lounger
There are few things I consider must-haves, but this is one of them.
My baby didn’t like being laid on the floor or in her crib because she couldn’t see what was going on around her.
The newborn lounger gave her just enough of an angle that she would be content for short periods of time.
I also love that it’s easy to move around the house, and small enough to fit places like the bathroom.
Books for New Parents

I have an entire post on fantastic books for new parents, but here is the list of my top favorites:
The Baby Book by Dr. William Sears
The Vaccine Book by Dr. Robert Sears
Baby Knows Best by Deborah Carlisle Solomon
Beyond the Sling by Mayim Bialik
Brain Rules for Baby by John Medina
How Not to Hate Your Husband After Kids by Jancee Dunn
Nursing clothes

Don’t be afraid to put things for yourself on your registry.
Amazon has a lot of options for nursing clothes.
Nipple cream
If you plan to breastfeed, you need a good nipple cream.
I didn’t think I’d need it, especially because they give you some at the hospital, but I was wrong.
White noise machine
Having a white noise machine was so helpful for keeping my high-need baby asleep the few times I was able to lay her down by herself.
We have the Hatch Baby, which you can control with your phone, but it does not have to be that fancy if you need a less expensive option.

Once your baby gets a little older, a jumper is a great way to get some energy out and strengthen those legs!
We have this one from Graco, which just hangs from a door frame.
“Teddy Bear Suit”

This is not technically what it’s called, but if you have a cold weather baby, you’ve got to get one of these!
It’s so much better than a bulky coat, and it’s okay to get it a little big.
Plus, it’s insanely cute.
Hair Brush
Even if your baby doesn’t have much hair, it’s important to have a soft bristle hairbrush for cradle cap.
A soft bristle brush + olive oil workes like a charm.
I recommend having a super cheap one that you can use with oil in the bath and throw away without any heartache.
I haven’t tried this one myself yet, but it’s specifically made for cradle cap.
Baby Memory Book

A memory scrap book will be such a sweet keepsake for both you and your child.
I am in love with this one that my grandmother gifted us.
Your Turn!
Tell me where you’re at right now…
Are you putting together your first baby registry? How far along are you in your pregnancy?
I’d love to hear from you, so let me know in the comments!
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